2013 was a crazy year going on cruses , the roughnecks making it to semi finales and Christmas presents . My look back will start with cruses and I mainly focused on the buffet . Every morning I would go down and eat breakfast but the line would be supper long because people were to busy taking pictures to eat so I am at the end of the line screaming GET OUT OF THE LINE !! And after two hole hours I got my food . While i was on Christmas break, my nonnie got me an air soft pistol it was called the Wolverine Tactical air soft Pistol . It has many features for a pistol like a laser pointer ,Co2,and when you pull the trigger it is semi automatic. The bullets come out with a bang ,1 by 1 they fly out with smoke steaming out of the barrel!before Christmas break came the Roughnecks were in the semi finales both teams fighting to win and play in the best stadium in the world the,cowboys stadium . we were beating them before half time but they came back and beat us in the second half . It was legendary that they got that far though. But i’m leaving 13 and heading to 14. Our gave use a paper that says 2014 on it , so for 2 i have 2 new goals for this year . I said to pass the STAAR test i’f i don’t pass i don’t go to 6th grade , and i would like to get better at baseball because i did not do so good last year so my dad is putting extra pressure on me . zero is something i would stop doing like disobeying my parents because they’ll get mad and you will get made so what is the point . Number one is something I want to learn . I chose riding a dirt bike my friend has one and it seems fun ,and that concludes my story of how my year went and what I want to do in my year.